
Three regions of the axial complex in Sphaerechinus granularis can be distinguished: 1) The axial organ which protrudes from one side of the axial sinus; the sinus septum which separates the sinus from the body cavity and encloses the stone canal; the pulsating vessel which runs along the inside of the axial organ. 2) The blindly-ending terminal sinus in which the pulsating vessel broadens out to the contractile terminal process. 3) The ampulla of the stone canal which connects the axocoel and water vascular system and which opens out through the madreporite. A single-layered, monociliated coelomic epithelium surrounds all regions of the axial complex. This epithelium contains smooth muscle cells at the contractile areas. Canaliculi, surrounded by basal lamina, are formed through infolding of epithelia; they end blindly in the fluid- and connective tissue-matrix of the inner structures. The lacunae of the dorso-ventral mesentery connect the periesophageal and the perianal haemal ring with the axial organ. The axial organ contains many coelomocytes rich in pigment and granules. These coelomocytes are separated into compartments by elastic fibres. Phagocytosis of whole cells and transformational stages of coelomocytes suggest storage and degradation functions. An excretory function via the water vascular system is also suggested.

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