
BACKGROUND: An evaluative quasi-experimental study was undertaken to find out the effect of Hot application on the prevention of Thrombophlebitis among patients with Peripheral Intra Venous Cannula (PIVC) in a selected hospital in Kasaragod, Kerala.AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: The objectives of this study were to find out the occurrence of Thrombophlebitis among patients with PIVC in the Experimental group and Control group by using the Modified Thrombophlebitis Scale, to compare the occurrence of Thrombophlebitis in the Experimental group and Control group and to find out the association between the occurrence of Thrombophlebitis and selected variables.METHODOLGY: The conceptual framework of the study was based on Lydia Hall’s Core, Care and Cure model. The research tool was the Modified Thrombophlebitis Scale. The study was conducted in Malik Deenar Charitable Hospital, Kasaragod in January 2013. By purposive sampling technique, 60 samples that met the inclusion criteria were selected.RESULTS: Results of the study showed that the occurrence of Thrombophlebitis in the Experimental group after Hot application was 6.67% and, in the Control, the group was 93.33%. The calculated ‘Z’ test score (6.7) was higher than the table value (p=1.96) at a 0.05 level of significance. There was no significant association between the occurrence of Thrombophlebitis and selected variables except for the number of Intra Venous (IV) medications administered. There was an evident difference in the occurrence of Thrombophlebitis in the Experimental group and Control group.CONCLUSION: Thus, it was proved that the Hot application was effective in the prevention of Thrombophlebitis among patients with PIVC.

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