
Background. The article investigates the principles of budget financing, the principles of enterprise and corporate financing, and the principles of social entrepreneurship. The scientific approaches on the interpretation of the given principles of financing are generalized and systematized. Expediency of the separate principle’s application in the context of the municipal enterprise functioning is substantiated. The principles of the municipal utility enterprises financing are proposed with consideration to social significance of the municipal enterprises in the system of economic activity of the territorial community. Materials and methods. The historical method, analysis and synthesis, the method of deduction were used in theoretical systematization of the budget financing and enterprise financing principles. Derivation of the principles of financing utilities on the basis of scientist’s opinions systematization is performed using the inductive method. The conclusions of the study are formed by the abstract-logical method. Results. The principles of municipal utilities financing should be based on the principles of budget financing, as these enterprises are recipients of funds from local budgets.However, the utility enterprise operates on the commercial basis, the principles of its financing should take into account the principles of private sector enterprises financing. We have developed the principles of a municipal utility company financing, which are grouped into two categories – general and specific principles. Conclusion. We have proposed the principles of utilities financing with their division into universal and specific, taking into account the commercial nature of such enterprises and their social significance. And furthermore, these principles allow to justify the functions, methods and approaches to utility enterprise financing, which will be a topic for future research. Keywords: municipal utility enterprise, financing principles, budget financing, corporate financing.

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