
The current stage of development of a public joint-stock company «National Joint-Stock Company «Naftogaz of Ukraine» is characterized by an increase of negative trends. The main retaining factors for the enterprise development are the complex economic and political situation in the country, the negative dynamics of the main macroeconomic indicators, the high cost of the UAH resource, and the dominant devaluation processes. One of the conditions for a stable fi nancial and economic development of the industrial enterprises is the proper management of the movement of their fi nancial resources. Consequently, in the case of consideration of the enterprise, it is necessary to proceed from the fact that the key role is played by continuous fi nancial processes, which should be understood as the sequence of tasks or procedures that collectively provide the completion of a particular production activity. The formation of a market fi nancial and credit system requires enterprises to increase the effi ciency of activities, competitiveness of petroleum products and services based on the implementation of scientifi c and technological progress, eff ective forms of management and management of the enterprise.

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