
In work is proved, that it is impossible to ensure sustainability development of the state without creation of conditions of sustainability development of administrative - territorial units on the basis of model, which components is to economic, social and ecological structure by. The proved necessity of a concentration of attention on an ecological component. Is shown, that one of major ecological -economic tools of nature protection activity in Ukraine are the ecological tax and tax for pollution of an environment. By results of the analysis of dynamics of the tax for pollution of an environment is established, that last years the volumes of emissions of polluting substances have decreased. Is established, that the increase of volumes of the ecological tax in the incomes of the local budgets in 2015 is connected to the beginning of decentralization and brought in changes in the Tax code. Is proved, that the delay of rates of growth of receipt of the ecological tax in the local budgets is by a consequence of inefficient system of filling of the budgets of the incorporated territorial communities (ITC) and local budgets. The estimation a level of development of the economic mechanism of regulation and stimulation rational nature usage is carried out on the basis of parameters of nature protection financing. The analysis of dynamics of change of volumes of the charges on protection of an environment is carried out. Is established, that the charges of the budget of Ukraine grow by protection of environmental natural environment annually, but rates of this growth reduce meaning by the inflationary factors. Is established, that there is a delay of rates of financing from the state budget with simultaneous increase of financing from the local budgets. It has given the bases to assert, that created IТC more is weighed concern to ecological politics and necessity of financing of nature protection measures. The interrelation between receipt of the ecological tax in the budgets and dynamics of the charges on nature protection measures is investigated. Is established, that dynamics of receipt of the ecological tax in the budget does not coincide with dynamics of the charges of the budget on protection of an environment. It testifies to imperfection r egulating mechanisms of ecological politics, both on the equal states, and at a level of separate territories. The necessity of development of the methodological approaches to a substantiation of effective directions of realization of state politics in sphere of protection an environment at a level I ТC, recommendations for their scientific support, development of a complex of measures on their introduction and improvement of working organization-legal base is proved. The analysis of dynamics both sources financing of the capital and current investments in protection of an environment is carried out. Is shown, that dynamics of rates of growth of the capital investments is astable, owing to what there are no cardinal changes of an ecological situation in the country. Is shown, that the rates of growth of the current investments are insignificant, at a level of an official rate of inflation, which reduces their economic efficiency. The analysis of structure of sources financing of the capital and current investments in nature protection activity is carried out. The received results have confirmed the made conclusions concerning an inefficiency of state politics of realization of the capital investments in nature protection measures.

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