
The article examines the indicators of financial security of Ukraine and the position of the state in international rankings compiled by international organizations. Some international rankings are considered in detail and the corresponding conclusions concerning financial safety of Ukraine are made. The impact of assessments of international organizations on the financial stability and security of the country is analyzed, namely indicators of fiscal (tax) burden, fiscal health, monetary freedom, financial freedom, are indicators that can be used for financial security at the macro level. An assessment of the Competitiveness Index of Ukraine and the Global Financial Index is provided; this facilitates the assessment of the level of financial inclusion of the country. It is concluded that Ukraine’s rating is extremely low, the state of financial security of the national economy is on the border between satisfactory and critical values, there is an unsatisfactory state in the assessment of the banking system as a whole. The article provides the assessment of financial security that is carried out by an external investor or lender who does not have deep knowledge about the peculiarities of the functioning and development of the financial system of Ukraine, but makes decisions based on international ratings of national economies, which is negative for further financial decisions. Almost half of the adult population of the state remains outside the financial system and does not use financial products and services, does not pursue its own financial interests and does not invest in the assets of the financial sector, which is in dire need of investment. It is also possible to note the significant lag in the level of financial inclusion in Ukraine, which, in turn, contributes to the spread of shadow schemes in the economy, capital outflows, shortfalls in budget revenues, and ultimately reduce the financial security of our country. Therefore, at the state level, urgent measures should be taken to increase the rating positions of Ukraine through a qualitative transformation of the domestic financial system in the direction of increasing the level of financial security of the state.

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