
This study aims at analysing the role of figure of speech and its meaning in literary works. The use of figure of speech in literary works is not only to create layers of meaning but also sense of beauty, complexity, power, etc. Figure of speech, among others, metaphor, simile, personification, hyperbole refer to a group of words that deviate from literal interpretation that must be taken in a non literal sense or figurative way in order to understand the meaning. This study is a descriptive qualitative research in the semantic field which uses a short story in Balinese Language Da Nakonang Adan Tiyange ‘Jangan Tanya Namaku’ as the data source. The descriptive qualitative method will be applied in data collection, data analysis, and analysis presentation. The theory of meaning entitled Semantic: The Study of Meaning proposed by Geoffrey Leech will be used as the main theory for the needs of data analysis. The result of the study will be expected to be useful either in realizing the important role in using figure of speech in literary works and how its meanings are interpreted.

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