
The connection between gauge and Higgs sectors makes supersymmetric extensions of the Standard Model predictive frameworks for the derivation of Higgs masses. In this paper, we study the contamination of such predictions by field-renormalization constants, in the MSSM with two-loop gaugeless corrections of mathcal {O}big (alpha _{t,b},alpha _s,,alpha _{t,b}^2big ) and full momentum dependence, and demonstrate how strict perturbative expansions allow to systematically neutralize the dependence on such unphysical objects. On the other hand, the popular procedure consisting in an iterative pole search remains explicitly dependent on field counterterms. We then analyze the magnitude of the intrinsic uncertainty that this feature implies for the iterative method, both in non-degenerate and near-degenerate regimes, and conclude that this strategy does not improve on the predictions of the more straightforward expansion. We also discuss several features related to the inclusion of the orders alpha _{t,b},alpha _s and alpha _{t,b}^2 in the so-called ‘fixed-order’ approach, such as the resummation of UV-logarithms for heavy supersymmetric spectra.


  • Groups investigating the Higgs masses at fixed order (FO) in SUSY models frequently turn to a procedure iterating on the momentum that is injected in radiative corrections – see e.g. Ref. [67] – under the belief such a numerical evaluation of the self-energies at a value of the momentum closer to the physical masses improve the precision of their calculation

  • We restrict ourselves to the simplest model where the considered orders matter, i.e. the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM), the method straightforwardly applies to extensions, e.g. the Next-to-MSSM (NMSSM) – yet more care is needed in order to consistently account for the gaugeless limit and process the more motivated scenarios with large radiative Higgs mixing

  • In parallel with the computations at FO, where selfenergies are derived order after order in the full model considered in a given renormalization scheme, the mass-gap suggested by the absence of discovery of new-physics particles has encouraged the discussion of SUSY Higgs sectors in the context of Effective Field Theories (EFTs), allowing for a resummation of the large UVlogarithms that develop between the SUSY and EW scales; see e.g. the recent work of Refs. [33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46] and a more complete list of references in the review [9]

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Inclusion of 2L corrections to the Higgs mass observables

We present a brief description of the computation of Higgs masses at higher order, with reference to more detailed derivations in the appendix. We explicitly extract the dependence of the radiative contributions on Higgs-field counterterms and analyze the conditions for its cancellation at the level of Higgs-mass predictions at the 2L order

Invariance under field-renormalization
Non-degenerate case
Degenerate case
Field-dependence in the mass predictions for a non-degenerate scenario
Preliminary considerations
Corrections of O αq2
Field-dependence in the mass predictions in near-degenerate scenarios
CP-violating mixing between heavy states
CP-conserving mixing with the SM-like Higgs
Three-state mixing
General considerations
Propagator matrix in perturbative QFT at 2L order
Vertex corrections in perturbative QFT at 1L order
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