As the design community moves towards architecting multiprocessor systems-on-chip (MPSoC), it is widely believed that an on-chip interconnection network is potentially the best candidate to satisfy the high aggregate throughput needed by dozens of IP blocks. In this context, power (energy) estimation and reduction techniques for switches and links, the core components of an interconnection network, gain added significance. FIFO buffers are a key component of a majority of network switches - buffers have been estimated to be the single largest power consumer for a typical switch in an on-chip network. In this report, we analyze energy-power characteristics of FIFOs for on-chip networks and propose an optimization to reduce FIFO energy consumption in the context of an on-chip network. Our experimental results demonstrate promising reductions in energy consumptions (19-33% for 256 and 512 bit wide links). Furthermore, our approach yields increasing energy reduction for wider links that are very likely to be used in future on-chip networks.
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