
Considering two accelerated observers with same acceleration in two timelike wedges of Rindler frame we calculate the Feynman-like propagators for a real scalar field in a thermal bath with respect to the Minkowski vacuum. Only the same wedge correlators are symmetric under the exchange of the real thermal bath and Unruh thermal bath, while the cross-wedge ones are not. Interestingly, they contain a cross term which is a collective effects of acceleration and thermal nature of field. Particularly the zero temperature description along with no analytic continuation between coordinates in right and left Rindler wedges, as expected, corresponds to usual thermofield-double formalism. However, unlike in later formulation, the two fields are now parts of the original system. Moreover it bears the features of a spacial case of closed-time formalism (CTP) where the Keldysh contour is along the increasing Rindler time in the respective Rindler wedges. Interestingly, we observe a new feature that the analytic continuation between the wedges provides the two more spacial cases of CTP. Hence Rindler-frame-field theory seems to be a viable candidate to deal thermal theory of fields and may illuminate the search for a bridge between the usual existing formalisms.

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