
The article deals with the specifics of the systematic organization of the terminology of gastroenterology on the example of the German language. In Germanistics the specialized vocabulary of this field is investigated for the first time. The scientific interpretations of linguistic concepts "terminology", "terminological system" and "terminological field" are analyzed. The terminology of the investigated branch is represented as an ordered multilevel system of special nominative units, which is based on the systemicity of the medical concepts it denotes. The criteria for the division of the terminological field of gastroenterology into separate micro-fields and the less-lexical-semantic groups are determined. The lexical composition and principles of internal structuring of each micro-field are considered. The concept of a term-semantic group in the projection of medical terminology has been identified. Examples of semantic analysis of terminological units based on vocabulary definitions are given. Attention is focused on the allocation of integral and differential features of the content structure of gastroenterological names, separation of generic and species concepts of the investigated branch. The basic types of relations between the elements of the field, which belong to different levels of the hierarchy, are determined. During the linguistic analysis it was found out that the hyper-hyponymic and meronymic relations between the terms carry out a system-forming function and play an important role in the paradigmatic organization of the investigated terminology. As an example of the German-language terminology of gastroenterology, it has been proved that hierarchical relations are the basis of the systematic organization of professional titles in the medical field.

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