
The present investigation entitled “Field Efficacy of Selected Insecticides Against Tomato Fruit Borer [Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner)]” in Gooty mandal, Anantapur Dist. (A.P.)” cultivar i.e., SWEAKHAR-448 was conducted during August to November 2020. Two applications of seven insecticides viz.; T1 Profenophos 40% EC, T2 Fiprony l5%, T3 Profenophos 40% + cypermithrin 4% E.C, T4 Novaluron 10EC, T5 Emamectin benzoate 5% SG, T6 Chlorpyrifos 20EC, T7 Indoxacarb14. 5SL, were evaluated against fruit borer, Helicoverpa armigera. Lowest percent infestation of fruit borer was recorded in Indoxacarb 14.5SL (11.36%) followed by Fipronil 5%w/w (10.27%) which was at par Profenophos 40% EC (10.27%), Novaluron 10 EC (10.47%) and followed by Emamectin benzoate 5%SG (11.76%) which was at par Chlorpyrifos 20EC (12.19%) and at last Profenophos 40% + Cypermethrin 4% EC (14.2%) Among all treatments Profenophos 40%+ cypermethrin 4% EC is found to be least effective than all the treatments and Indoxacarb is significantly superior over the control (28.91%). When cost benefit ratio was worked out the best and most economical treatment was in Indoxacarb 14.5SL (1:8.5) which was at par with Fipronyl 5%w/w (1: 8.28), Profenophos 40%EC (1:7.5) which was at par with Novaluron 10 EC (1:6.9). Followed Emamectin benzoate 5% SG (1:6.7) are statistically at par with Chlorpyrifos 20EC (1:6.4) are statistically at par with Profenophos 40% + cypermithrin 4% E.C (1: 6.3) is found to be least effective than all the treatments and is significantly superior over the control (1: 3.9).

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