
ABSTRACT For a subcritical reactor system driven by a periodically pulsed spallation neutron source in Kyoto University Critical Assembly (KUCA), the Feynman-α and the Rossi-α neutron correlation analyses were carried out to determine the prompt-neutron decay constant and quantitatively to confirm a non-Poisson characteristics of the neutron source. In these correlation analyses, a non-negligible contribution of delayed neutrons and a non-Poisson character of the source were considered, and each pulse was assumed to be a delta function. When a neutron counter was placed closely to the reactor core, the prompt-neutron decay constant determined from the present Feynman-α analysis well agreed with that done from a previous analysis for the same subcritical system driven by an inherent neutron source. However, the decay constant determined from the present Rossi-α analysis was in poor agreement with that done from the above previous analysis. This disagreement originated from an inevitable excitation of a higher mode. In the Rossi-α counting probability distribution, the excitation deformed a sharp cusp arising from the delta function to a smooth convex shape. When the data around the convex top were masked for least-squares fitting of the present Rossi-α formula, the disagreement could be successfully resolved. Compared with the previous Feynman-α and Rossi-α analyses under the Poisson inherent source, the non-Poisson spallation source definitely enhanced the respective prompt-neutron correlation amplitudes. The enhancement rate increased with an increase in subcriticality. Moreover, the Degweker’s factor (m 2-m 1 2)/m 1 2 of 0.067 ± 0.011, which indicated a non-Poisson character of the present spallation source, could be determined from the present correlation analysis and the non-zero value of the factor convinced us that the present source had a different statistical distribution from the Poisson.

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