
Background: Features of fever in Infections of Rachides (IR) is understudied in literatures. Methods & Materials: We measured temperature with a mercury thermometer,three time a day,in all of cases and forming that away febrile curve for each of them;defined the type of febril curve based on classification of fever;evidenced the feature of fever in (IR).We also analyzed correlation between type of fever and causative microbic agents. Material: 55 cases with IR,with specified microbic agents,hospitalized in Service of Infectious Disease,UHC,Tirana, Albania,between June 2003 and Septembre 2013. Results: out of 55 cases 51 were febril and only 4 cases(ekinococcus 1,brucella 3) presented without temperature. Classification of cases according by height of fever:afebril 4 cases,subfebril(37.5-38) 4,low grade (38-38.5) 16,moderate(38.5–39C) 15;high(39–39.5C) 14;hiperpireksia (–41) 4,extrem hiperpireksia (>41) no cases;by type of febril curve:febris continuous 15, intermittent 21, remittent 6,recurrent 3,hectica 7 cases. Conclusion: In our study Infectious Rachiditis were presented without fever in 7.27% of cases. We spotted 5 type of fever, febris intermittent dominated with 38.1%,continuous 27.2%, remittent 5.4%,hectica 12.7%. The most frequent fever accoding to hight of temperature was low grade fever with 29.0% followed bymoderate fever 27.2%, high 25.4%,hiperpireksia 7.2%. Intermittent fever was more frecuent in Infectious Rachiditis caused by Brucella with 76.2%.

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