
Fertilizing potential of semen containing a high percentage of sperm with a proximal droplet was evaluated using IVF. Design criteria: (a) specified semen with >100 x 10 6 sperm/mL with >40% progressively motile spermatozoa, after collection via electro-stimulation; (b) designated a droplet group, bulls whose semen contained >30% spermatozoa with a proximal droplet and <25% with other morphological abnormalities, and a control group, with <25% abnormalities of any type; and (c) stipulated evaluations at 11 to 13 mo of age and again ∼4 wk later. At the initial evaluation, when a bull was assigned to the droplet group, the next bull meeting control criteria was designated his pair; 15 pairs in four herds were studied. Semen was extended in egg-yolk citrate, cooled to 5°C over ∼2.5 h, and held at 5°C. After 20 to 44 h, spermatozoa were processed by swimup, incubated with heparin, and co-cultured with oocytes (35 to 56 oocytes/sample; 18 h). Ova were observed for cleavage ∼42 h after co-culture, and further development was evaluated on day 8. At first evaluation, cleavage rates were 18 and 46% for droplet and control groups (P<0.01); semen had 34 to 70% and 0 to 12% droplet spermatozoa. For 10 of 15 droplet bulls, <10% of ova were cleaved whereas cleavage rate was >15% for all control bulls. At second evaluation, only three droplet bulls still had >30% of spermatozoa with a proximal droplet. Cleavage rates increased accordingly; only four droplet bulls had <10% cleaved ova and 10 had ≥34% cleaved ova. Three control bulls had <10% cleaved ova and nine had ≥34% cleaved ova. Considering all 60 ejaculates, correlation between percentage of spermatozoa with a proximal droplet and percentage of cleaved ova was −0.49 (P<0.01). Correlations between percentages of motile or normal spermatozoa in field evaluations and outcome in IVF were 0.28 and 0.52. Laboratory evaluations of spermatozoa concomitant with preparation for IVF revealed that only incidence of proximal droplets appeared related to outcome in IVF. We concluded: (a) semen from most yearling beef bulls with a high incidence of proximal droplet spermatozoa had severely compromised IVF fertility; (b) as these bulls matured, the incidence of proximal droplets decreased, and IVF fertilizing potential increased; and (c) semen containing >30% spermatozoa with a proximal droplet is strong evidence that fertilizing potential of the bull will be low until the incidence decreases.

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