
Stripline (SL), vector network analyzer (VNA), and pulsed inductive microwave magnetometer (PIMM) techniques were used to measure the ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) linewidth for a series of Permalloy films with thicknesses of 50 and 100nm. The SL-FMR measurements were made for fixed frequencies from 1.5to5.5GHz. The VNA-FMR and PIMM measurements were made for fixed in-plane fields from 1.6to8kA∕m (20–100Oe). The results provide a confirmation, lacking until now, that the linewidths measured by these three methods are consistent and compatible. In the field format, the linewidths are a linear function of frequency, with a slope that corresponds to a nominal Landau-Lifshitz phenomenological damping parameter α value of 0.007 and zero frequency intercepts in the 160–320A∕m (2–4Oe) range. In the frequency format, the corresponding linewidth versus frequency response shows a weak upward curvature at the lowest measurement frequencies and a leveling off at high frequencies.

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