
Abstract New forms of reading have emerged recently, and virtual tools and environments have been developed to promote reading. Initial teacher training must be up to date to train good mediators. Therefore, this research analyses the presence of digital tools in the concept of reading of future teachers. The data has been collected through a lexical availability test to explore the centre of interest “Reading” and a sociodemographic questionnaire with questions related to reading and knowledge of languages. 520 students from the degrees in Early Childhood and Primary Education at the University of Malaga have participated. Dispogen has been used to process the available lexicon and the SPSS package has been used for the statistical analysis. In addition, clusters have been obtained from the lexicon related to digital tools using the DispoGrafo tool. The results show a motivation to read on social networks and a rootedness of the lexicon referred to digital media: e-book, Kindle, specifying format: PDF, Word, and type of reading: digital review, Academic Google, but they do not demonstrate a lexical domain for the formation of new readers.

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