We propose a viable theory based on the $SU(3)_C\times SU(3)_L\times U(1)_X$ gauge group supplemented by the $S_4$ discrete group together with other various symmetries, whose spontaneous breaking gives rise to the current SM fermion mass and mixing hierarchy. In the proposed theory the small light active neutrino masses are generated from a linear seesaw mechanism mediated by three Majorana neutrinos. The model is capable of reproducing the experimental values of the physical observables of both quark and lepton sectors. Our model is predictive in the quark sector having 9 effective parameters that allow to successfully reproduce the four CKM parameters and the six Standard Model (SM) quark masses. In the SM quark sector, there is particular scenario, motivated by naturalness arguments, which allows a good fit for its ten observables, with only six effective parameters. We also study the single heavy scalar production via gluon fusion mechanism at proton-proton collider. Our model is also consistent with the experimental constraints arising from the Higgs diphoton decay rate.
The Standard Model (SM) is a very well established quantum field theory highly consistent with the experimental data, it has several unexplained issues
The SM fermion mass hierarchy is spanned over a range of orders of magnitude from the light active neutrino mass scale up to the top quark mass
The mixing angles of the quark sector are small, implying that the CabbiboKobayashi-Maskawa (CKM) quark mixing matrix is close to the identity matrix
The Standard Model (SM) is a very well established quantum field theory highly consistent with the experimental data, it has several unexplained issues. Flavor puzzle, which is not addressed by the SM and provides reason for considering models with augmented field content and extended symmetry groups added to explain the current SM fermion mass spectrum and mixing parameters. Theories with an extended SUð3ÞC × SUð3ÞL × Uð1ÞX gauge symmetry [1–49] (3-3-1 models) are used to explain the origin of the three family structure in the fermion sector, which is left unexplained in the SM. In these models, the chiral anomaly cancellation condition is fulfilled when there are equal number of SUð3ÞL fermionic triplets and antitriplets, which occurs when the number of fermion families is a multiple of three.
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