
Women share the major responsibility in taking aspects of human race to the generation ahead. Though social and communal development of recent times have improved the stage of women in society, the culture indifferences and violence against women have not yet been eradicated from the society we reside in. The society have prolonged with a notion that men are strong and ought to be commanding and women are weak and to obey. Women are presumed and directed to be dependent to men while men boss them. We are still in the timeline where effects of women still have to be recognised through men. Despite of centuries of moral and cultural evolutions, the world of women is still being bounded and constructed by men. The male dominant society have always been against providing women education and wisdom, as they think those are not to be given for the women who is supposed to serve and obey the command men with no second thought. With the same principle, women’s right to learn, speak and even rights on property all have been denied. Midst of such a deceived and biased society there rose the voices of number of great personalities, philosophers and social reformers who dreamt for and raised their voice for us to evolve into a society that respect women rights, gender equality and women freedom. Amongst, the great poet and philosopher well known for simplicity in his writings, who scripted several of his strong ideologies over women empowerment, is our MahakaviBharathiyar. Taking him as a role model, the NanjilNaatu poet and social reformer, Jeevanantham took the ideology of women rights further and planted it in the society with his narrow and well determined efforts. During his time, Jeevanantham witnessed women being dumbed and ruler over within the family and society, which he brought up to voices through several of his writings. With this research we are glad to pick, analyse and comprehend such writings of Jeevanantham and his ideologies on women and women empowerment.

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