
ABSTRACT In July 2017, a joint archeological expedition from Irkutsk National Research Technical University and Ulaanbaatar State University excavated at the Nogoon Gozgor 1 burial site in the Northern Khövsgöl area. The initial plan was to conduct the work at two burial complexes, nos. 5 and 6. By the beginning of the excavation it was clear that burial no. 6 had been plundered by modern-day grave robbers: a grave robbers’ shaft with a depth of up to 1.2 meters had been sunk in the center of the above-grave structure. Uncovered in excavation heaps of discarded soil were human and sheep bones and fragments of silk textile depicting peonies and parrots, stylized clouds, and undulating ornamentations. An excavation with an area of 32 square meters was marked out at grave no. 5. Discovered under oval masonry work 5 by 3 meters in size at a depth of 75 to 80 centimeters below the modern-daysurface of the land were the remains of a buried woman and pieces of a bokka—a birchbark frame for a headdress. It is the first time such an object has been found in the Northern Khövsgöl area. It has been established that the Nogoon Gozgor 1 burial site dates to the thirteenth through fourteenth centuries and was left by the indigenous population, connected to the global historical and cultural processes flowing through Eurasia in the era of the Mongol Empire.

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