
This research proposes the use of feed-forward backpropagation neural networks (FFNN) to develop an accurate cost forecasting model in light of the challenges associated with forecasting software development costs (FSDC). The salp swarm algorithm (SSA) is first augmented and then employed to optimize the parameters of the developed FFNN predictor. A search enhancement mechanism and an elitism technique have been developed and incorporated into the SSA optimization process as two fresh and effective techniques for this goal. The search enhancement mechanism is employed to keep up a high rate of global exploration while also driving convergence towards the optimal area. Whereas elitism is used throughout the research phase to prevent stagnation in the local optima. Nineteen benchmark test functions and twelve benchmark software development cost forecasting data sets are utilized to assess the performance of the recommended enhancement techniques and developed algorithms. The results obtained from experiments show the superiority of the proposed techniques. In addition, the developed technique has been compared with many state-of-the-art methods, which demonstrates its durability. This is in addition to the statistical validation carried out on the results obtained, which also supports the robustness of the proposed technique.

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