
We investigate the possible presence of dark matter (DM) in massive and rotating neutron stars (NSs). For the purpose we extend our previous work [1] to introduce a light new physics vector mediator besides a scalar one in order to ensure feeble interaction between fermionic DM and β stable hadronic matter in NSs. The chosen masses of DM fermion and the mediators and the couplings are consistent with the self-interaction constraint from Bullet cluster and from present day relic abundance. Assuming that both the scalar and vector mediators contribute equally to the relic abundance, we compute the equation of state (EoS) of the DM admixed NSs to find that the present consideration of the vector new physics mediator do not bring any significant change to the EoS and static NS properties of DM admixed NSs compared to the case where only the scalar mediator was considered [1]. However, the obtained structural properties in static conditions are in good agreement with the various constraints on them from massive pulsars like PSR J0348+0432 and PSR J0740+6620, the gravitational wave (GW170817) data and the recently obtained results of NICER experiments for PSR J0030+0451 and PSR J0740+6620. We also extend our work to compute the rotational properties of DM admixed NSs rotating at different angular velocities. The present results in this regard suggest that the secondary component of GW190814 may be a rapidly rotating massive DM admixed NS. The constraints on rotational frequency from pulsars like PSR B1937+21 and PSR J1748-2446ad are also satisfied by our present results. Also, the constraints on moment of inertia are satisfied considering slow rotation. The universality relation in terms of normalized moment of inertia also holds good with our DM admixed EoS.

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