
The geological and sedimentological interpretation of several time and deep seismic profiles within junction zone of the Volga‒Ural area of the East European Platform, Pre-Caspian Depression, Ural Foredeep, Bashkir Anticlinorium, and northern margin of the Scythian Platform allowed us to identify a number of previously unknown structural features of Later Precambrian and Early Paleozoic formation. On this basis, structural-facies maps were compiled for the Riphean and Vendian stages of development. It was shown that as a result of the collision of the southeastern passive margin of the continent Baltica with Scythia in the Early Vendian and with the Timanides of the Urals in the Later Vendian, a complex tectonic structure of the Orenburg tectonic node was formed, which forms the foundation of the Caspian oil and gas province. The results obtained substantially clarify the structure of the sedimentary cover of the East European Platform and the Pre-Caspian Basin, the stages of the formation and evolution of their structure, and the degree of influence on the sedimentation of structural changes in the adjacent territories of the folded Urals and the Scythian Platform.

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