
In modern literary studies, the problems of generational experiences, the involvement of authors in certain generations, the artificial interruption of the connection between them in the USSR and the dynamics of restoration in the period of Independence are actualized. Plot poetry fell out of the field of view of scientists, although it was under the direct influence of the mentioned features, it contained many contradictions, because the plot was a convenient means of typical post-Soviet vulgar socialist realist poetry. The event, the so-called external plot, was generously used by the official authors of the “thaw” when writing poems. Dissidents and hermeticists mostly rejected the external plot and bet on an internal, emotional event. This influenced the formation of the multidimensionality of the generative experience of the post-modern era. The figurative-symbolic style of the poetry of the resistance movement became more expressive than procedurality, which lost cause-and-effect detail, and the internal plot became, in fact, a projection of codes based on the constructed figurative-symbolic style. Therefore, the lyrics of the direct participants of the resistance movement, that is, prisoners of conscience, the displaced generation and hermeticists, poets of several branches of the resistance movement, who symbolically intertwined, are a certain symbolic integrity. Therefore, many dissident writers were qualified as involved in the suppressed generation and hermeticism. Taras Melnychuk, a prisoner of the Perm camps, in particular, was the author of open and hidden lyrics, where there were external and internal plots with a consistent modeling of ethnocodes, with a dominant image of the Carpathians, with relic molfarism, which he contrasted with shamanism (which would be impossible to interpret and to explain outside the plot, without the external course of events and the connection of phenomena and without internal spasmodic toning with dynamics and hermetization), which resulted in a unique, discourse expression of the author’s position.

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