
The article aims to characterize the forensic features of the initial stage of investigating fraud with financial resources in cyberspace, its significance, analysis, and justification as a type of cybercrime that is dangerous for everyone, and prove the need for urgent measures to prevent and combat such criminal offenses. The authors used several methods of scientific cognition: logical-semantic, system-structural, analytical, formal-legal, forecasting, dialectical, interpretation, and hermeneutics. The article focuses on the general provisions of the forensic characteristics of Internet fraud with financial resources; analysis of the information model of the mechanism of committing fraud with financial resources in the field of computer information; coverage of the tactical features of individual investigative actions at the initial stage of the investigation of fraud with financial resources in cyberspace. It was concluded that the effectiveness of combating Internet fraud and the level of cybersecurity in Ukraine is very low. Therefore, the investigation of fraud with financial resources in cyberspace requires in-depth specific knowledge from the subjects of the investigation.


  • At the present stage of the formation and development of the information society, the process of digitalization is global, comprehensive, penetrating all spheres of public life

  • Given the complex nature of the criminal activity considered by us, it should be noted that the method of committing fraud with financial resources has a certain structure

  • It consists of preparation for commission, implementation of the method of commission, as well as activities aimed at concealing the traces of this criminal offense

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At the present stage of the formation and development of the information society, the process of digitalization is global, comprehensive, penetrating all spheres of public life. It is becoming one of the main factors of social development and largely characterizes modern social dynamics. The negative effects of computerization are expressed in the emergence of new types of cybercrime, characterized by high social danger This means cases of violation of national and international статі акцентовано увагу на загальних положеннях криміналістичної характеристики інтернет шахрайства з фінансовими ресурсами; аналізі інформаційної моделі механізму скоєння шахрайства з фінансовими ресурсами в сфері комп’ютерної інформації; висвітленню тактичних особливостей окремих слідчих дій на початковому етапі розслідування шахрайства з фінансовими ресурсами в кіберпросторі. У свою чергу, ускладнює попередження та протидію незаконним діям, а це дозволяє їм існувати протягом такого тривалого періоду часу

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