
The present paper deals with the study of derivational features of noun derivatives with the suffix –онок/-ёнок (-onok). The choice of the formant is determined by the fact that the indicated suffix does not produce a large number of word-formation types and, therefore, rarely becomes an object of special studies. However, its colloquial productivity suggests that this formant deserves a closer look. In the literary language, the suffix–онок/-ёнок (–onok) forms the nouns that name cubs, children as representatives of a nationality, social stratum or profession called the motivating word, and a group of derivatives with the suffix -онок/-ёнок(–onok) that has a diminutive-hypocoristic or only affectionate meaning. The material for the study was the data from Unabridged Dictionary of Russian Jargons by V.M. Mokienko, T.G. Nikitina. As a result of application of the method of continuous sampling, we have revealed 42 derivatives with the suffix –онок/-ёнок (–onok) which were subjected to word-formation and morphemic analysis. It is established that the suffix -онок/-ёнок (–onok) is not very often used in jargon word formation. Two ways of the formation of jargonisms by means of this formant have been revealed: the suffixation proper and semantic derivation. The inclusion of foreign words in the process of formation of derivatives with the formants -онок/-ёнок (-onok) is observed. It has been established that the suffix –онок/-ёнок (–onok) in jargon word formation performs the following functions: nominative, evaluative-expressive, and style-forming. The results can be used, firstly, in lexicography (inclusion of the units with the suffix –онок (–onok) into explanatory dictionaries of word-formation), and secondly, in linguodidactics (as the subject matter for courses in word formation, Russian as a foreign language).

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