
The relevance of this study is related to the need to identify and assess the unique characteristics of the foreign policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In this regard, the purpose of this study was to provide a thorough analysis of the foreign policy activities of the Republic of Kazakhstan over the entire period of the country’s independence. The main approach to the study of this problem is the historical and systematic method of research, system analysis, comparison method, logical analysis, methods of synthesis and deduction, induction method, and classification method. The paper presents the findings of the conducted study: it describes the geographical prerequisites for the international relations formed by Kazakhstan with a view to creating the logistics links necessary for the national economy. The study proved the importance of the Central Asian region for global energy security and described the country’s role in the “New Great Game”, conducted a detailed analysis of the latest Concept of Foreign Policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan presented by K.-J. Tokayev. The study demonstrated Kazakhstan’s deep economic ties with China and Russia and identified the factors of Kazakhstan’s dependence on the two regional hegemons. The key events in the country’s foreign policy activities over the entire period of its independence were presented in a tabular form. The significance of this study is that it sheds light on the current state of Kazakhstan’s foreign policy as a leading state in the Central Asian region, which in the future allows predicting trends in the development of new alliances by Kazakhstan and its closest neighbours

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