
The article substantiates the feasibility of an innovative educational environment forming as a form of public-private partnership for the tourism industry development in Ukraine on the principles of social partnership. Domestic and foreign experience of specialized higher educational institutions cooperation with the labor market in the tourism sphere is summarized. The main provisions regarding the concept of «social partnership» in education, including, in the professional training of future specialists in the tourism sphere, are formulated. The main problems in the strategic development of social partnership in tourism education in Ukraine and the ways to overcome them, taking into account the advanced world experience, are determined. It is proved that the state plays a decisive role in creating an effective system of social partnership in the tourism sphere and tourism education. This role will be to develop and implement a strategic concept for the social partnership development and support the specific programs of cooperation between its subjects. It is substantiated that one of the directions of development of social partnership at the level of higher educational institutions in the training of personnel for the tourism industry of Ukraine can be creation of an innovative educational environment integrated into the future professional sphere. The main provisions of theoretical developments and practical experience in the formation and functioning of the educational and production team as a necessary condition for effective cooperation between representatives of education and business in training personnel for the tourism industry are given. Essential conditions for the development of partnership programs with a professional environment are proposed, based on the experience of training specialists for the tourism industry on the basis of the Tourism and Hotel and Restaurant Business Department of Odessa National Economic University.


  • The article substantiates the feasibility of an innovative educational environment forming as a form of public-private partnership

  • It is proved that the state plays a decisive role in creating an effective system

  • be creation of an innovative educational environment integrated into the future professional sphere

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Для наших досліджень особливої актуальності набули питання модернізації системи професійної підготовки майбутніх фахівців для сфери туризму шляхом розвитку інноваційних освітніх структур, а саме: впровадження співпраці профільних ЗВО з професійним середовищем, ринком праці у сфері туризму Результати аналізу діяльності зі створення та функціонування інноваційних освітніх структур у провідних ЗВО, що готують кадри для сфери туризму в різних регіонах України, дозволили зробити висновок про те, що вони знаходяться в активній фазі формування нової інноваційної структури управління, основою якої є інтегрований та відкритий навчальний простір, діючий на засадах соціального партнерства.

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