
The main function of a woman’s reproductive system is pregnancy and the birth of healthy offspring. In women with menstrual dysfunction in the pubertal period, more than 70% of pregnancy complications are observed, the most common of which are menacing miscarriage and placental insufficiency. Despite the medical and social significance, today there is not enough information about the reproductive potential of women with menstrual dysfunction in the puberty period, and their pregnancy and childbirth.The objective: аccording to laboratory and instrumental methods of research, to study the features of the course of pregnancy in women with menstrual dysfunction in the puberty.Materials and methods. According to the nature of the disorders, the main group of pregnant women (n=120) who had a menstrual pathology in the puberty were divided into 3 subgroups (n=40): the first – pregnant women with primary oligomenorrhea in the anamnesis, the second – with a late age menarche, the third - with puberty bleeding. The control group included pregnant women (n=40) with the correct rhythm of menstruation in puberty.Results. A clinical study found that women with menstrual irregularities in the puberty were significantly more likely than women with the right rhythm of menstruation, pregnancy was complicated by a threatening miscarriage in the early stages, threatening premature birth and chronic placental insufficiency.During the dynamic observation of pregnant women using modern diagnostic examination methods, placental dysfunction in the period of 11–14 weeks was detected in 15,0% of women, chronic placental insufficiency (compensated form) in 30–40 weeks – in 6,7%. At 36–40 weeks, chronic placental insufficiency was diagnosed in 59,2% of women, of which a subcompensated form with growth retardation of the first degree in 8,5% was diagnosed. A histological examination of the placenta revealed chronic placental insufficiency in 62,0% of women, of which 6,5% were in subcompensated form.Conclusion. In the course of a scientific search, an attempt was made to find a confirmation of the assumption that the basis of the genesis of placental dysfunction and related gestational complications in patients with disorders of the formation of menstrual function has a history of hormonal and metabolic imbalance, implantation endometrial insufficiency and vasculogenesis dysfunction, the premises of which are laid on stage of the pathological puberty.The results of the studies indicate the need to improve prognostic and diagnostic methods for the prevention of pregnancy complications in women with menstrual dysfunction in the puberty, based on new knowledge about the mechanisms of their development, and in the current demographic crisis are the requirement of the time.


  • Основна функція репродуктивної системи жінки – настання вагітності і народження здорового потомства

  • According to the nature of the disorders, the main group of pregnant women (n=120) who had a menstrual pathology in the puberty were divided into 3 subgroups (n=40): the first – pregnant women with primary oligomenorrhea in the anamnesis, the second – with a late age menarche, the third - with puberty bleeding

  • A clinical study found that women with menstrual irregularities in the puberty were significantly more likely than women with the right rhythm of menstruation, pregnancy was complicated by a threatening miscarriage in the early stages, threatening premature birth and chronic placental insufficiency

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У ході дослідження проаналізовано дані щодо структури екстрагенітальної патології (ЕГП) у вагітних, які мали порушення менструальної функції у пубертатний період, й у жінок із правильним ритмом менструацій у пубертаті. Частота ЕГП у вагітних із пізнім віком менархе не відрізнялась від групи контролю і була статистично значуще нижчою, ніж у жінок із первинною олігоменореєю в анамнезі (р

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