
The choice of mode of transport for the carriage of goods or the movement of passengers depends on many factors. The choice of the mode of transport/carrier for a relatively short distance of transportation up to 1000 km was studied. On the scale of the Russian Federation, such a length is typical for transportation between many large cities. In the context of the sanctions policy, it is necessary to revise the logistics schemes for freight and passenger transportation. Temporary difficulties associated with the maintenance of aircraft can be compensated by offers for transportation from the railway transport.It is relevant to study passenger transportation over a distance of up to 1000 km, comparing different types of transport in a number of parameters: convenience of the schedule, transport accessibility of the station/airport, comfort along the way, etc. At the same time, it is important to take into account the needs and wishes of passengers for the trip, analyze the selection criteria, modern conditions, characterized by difficulties in the operation of air transport. The sanctions policy affected passenger air transportation to a greater extent, significantly reducing the number of flights, and there were problems with the operation of aircraft and their maintenance. Rail transport is less influenced by foreign policy, and this can serve as a significant advantage and factor in the growth and development of the industry.A comparison was made of high-speed passenger transport and two air carriers based on an assessment of the selection criteria. Estimates and ranks for each carrier are calculated in accordance with the wishes of passengers.

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