Intrauterine intravascular blood transfusion is an effective and relatively safe treatment method for severe fetal anemia. This technique have been used for more than 30 years already, however, there are no systematic works devoted to the features of the cardiovascular system in fetuses and newborns after intrauterine intravascular blood transfusion. The authors have decided to study this problem and have conducted a prospective trial of fetuses and children (n=34) with hemolytic anemia who underwent intrauterine blood transfusion. To assess the condition of the cardiovascular system, the scientists have carried out an ultrasound examination of the heart, which results have revealed pathological changes: dilatation of the cardiac cavities, myocardial hypertrophy, hydropericardium, cardiomegaly still present in the postnatal period. The scientists have used fetal and neonatal therapy for the patients with these pathologies. In the case of late correction of severe fetal anemia, there was a progressive deterioration in the condition of the fetus and remodeling of the cardiovascular system, which indicates the need for timely diagnosis. Based on the results of the study, the scientists have developed the protocols for ultrasound diagnostics of fetuses and newborns with moderate and severe anemia.
Ключевые слова: дети, гемолитическая болезнь плода и новорожденного, внутриутробное внутрисосудистое переливание крови, фетальная медицина, гипертрофия миокарда, дилатация полостей сердца
Intrauterine intravascular blood transfusion is an effective and relatively safe treatment method for severe fetal anemia. This technique have been used for more than 30 years already, there are no systematic works devoted to the features of the cardiovascular system in fetuses and newborns after intrauterine intravascular blood transfusion
To assess the condition of the cardiovascular system, the scientists have carried out an ultrasound examination of the heart, which results have revealed pathological changes: dilatation of the cardiac cavities, myocardial hypertrophy, hydropericardium, cardiomegaly still present in the postnatal period
Особенности сердечно-сосудистой системы плодов и новорожденных, перенесших внутриутробное внутрисосудистое переливание крови. Несмотря на более чем 30-летний опыт использования данной методики, систематические работы, посвященные особенностям сердечно-сосудистой системы у плодов и новорожденных, перенесших внутриутробное внутрисосудистое переливание крови, отсутствуют, что и послужило целью данного исследования. Для цитирования: Зелянина Е.А., Хорошкеева О.В., Костюков К.В., Гасанова Р.М., Белоусов Д.М., Быстрых О.А., Тетруашвили Н.К., Бокерия Е.Л. For citation: Zelyanina E.A., Khoroshkeeva O.V., Kostyukov K.V., Gasanova R.М., Belousov D.М., Bystrykh О.А., Tetruashvili N.K., Bokeriya E.L. Features of the cardiovascular system of fetuses and newborns after intrauterine intravascular blood transfusion. Несмотря на более чем 30-летний опыт использования указанной методики, систематические работы, посвященные особенностям сердечно-сосудистой системы у плодов и новорожденных, перенесших внутриутробное внутрисосудистое переливание крови, отсутствуют
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