One of the sources of toxic substances entering the human body may be a valuable food product as milk. The intensity of exposure of ecotoxicants to milk of cows is determined by a number of factors, among which the main one is feed. The purpose of the research was to study the characteristics of the accumulation of heavy metals and radionuclides in plant feed, and their translocation from rations of cows into milk. The research was carried out in agricultural enterprises of the Shchuchansky district of the Kurgan region. In order to obtain the most complete information about the degree of contamination of the studied objects, the area was divided into fi ve zones taking into account the geographical location such as northern (Peschanskoye village), southern (Sukhoborskoye village), western (Beloyarskoye village), eastern (Petrovskoye village) and central (Chumlyak village) zone. The content of heavy metals in the feed and milk of cows was determined such as copper, zinc, cadmium, lead and radionuclides such as strontium-90 and cesium-137. The features of the accumulation of heavy metals and radionuclides depending on the type of feed as well as the dependence of the concentration of toxic substances in the ration on their amount in feed have been established. Regression equations have been calculated to predict changes in the concentration of heavy metals and radionuclides in the daily ration depending on their content in feed. The coeffi cients of translocation of heavy metals and radionuclides from the ration into the milk of cows during the stall and pasture periods were determined, which showed the absence of a connection between the presence of ecotoxicants in feed and milk. The maximum degree of contamination of rations was observed in the northern zone. The dependence of the concentration of toxic substances in the ration on their amount in feed has been established. No relation was found between the content of heavy metals and radionuclides in the rations and milk of cows. As the toxicity of the ration increased, the transfer coeffi cient of ecotoxicants decreased. During the pasture period, the transition coeffi cient was higher than during the stall period. The obtained research results would make it possible to regulate the intake of toxic elements into livestock products by selecting the components of the ration.
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