
The article is devoted to the study of the problems of fiscal regulation of the rational use of natural resources to achieve the goals of sustainable economic growth and improve the quality of life of the population. According to official statistics, it should be noted that it is difficult to identify individual problems on the impact of direct taxation of the use of natural resources on the effectiveness of environmental management in Russia. Great practical importance in theoretical and applied economics is attached to strengthening the environmental component in taxation. The purpose of the study was to analyze the prospects for the development of the implemented directions of the tax policy of rational environmental management to ensure the environmental safety of Russia. In modern tax systems, a separate aspect highlights the directions of tax regulation of the use of natural resources, providing a fiscally significant effect on budget revenues at all levels and increasing the environmental potential of rational environmental management. Various general scientific methods were used in the research process, including: abstract-logical, comparative analysis, generalization, as well as tabular and graphical methods. When studying the practical experience of tax regulation of effective environmental management, SWOT analysis methods, as well as variable and trend analysis are used. The authors provide a systematic analysis of the practice of ensuring budget revenues of the subjects of the Russian Federation and their compliance with the policy of rational environmental management, as well as determining the causal relationship of the considered features of taxation of the use of natural resources in Russia. The procedure for taxation of environmental management is important for the formation of fiscal sustainability and ensuring high efficiency of tax policy in the field of rational environmental management. The state policy of taxation of environmental management should be based on the principle of preserving the interest of investors in investments in environmental protection measures, providing tax incentives and preferences for the introduction of new waste-free production technologies. The prospects for further development of tax regulation of effective environmental management should be aimed at activating public-private partnerships by stimulating private investment in the creation of new and modernization of existing assets of the "green" economy, as well as optimizing environmental monitoring.

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