
The article considers the increase of special physical training, in particular, speed endurance in children of middle school age who are engaged in swimming. Increasing speed endurance is currently one of the most pressing issues in classes with children in sports sections, which is extremely acute in modern swimming in general. At the beginning of the study, a test was performed, which showed no significant differences between the performance of boys in both groups, ie at the beginning of the experiment they had the same level of development of functional abilities, including speed endurance. In the course of the research the technique aimed at the development of speed endurance in middle school children was used. At the end of the experiment, it was found that the performance of the swimmers of the experimental group was significantly higher, compared with the control group (62.1 ± 0.6s) in swimming 2x50m. It was 56.2 ± 0.2 s. The significance of the differences between these indicators was 9.33. In the 25 m swim without the participation of the legs, the result of the swimmers of the experimental group was 20.3 ± 0.8 s, and in the control - 25.8 ± 1.1 s. Significance of differences was established between them (t = 4.04). There is a positive growth of sports results of young swimmers. A high increase in results was found in the Cooper test - 19%, swimming in the distances of 25 meters - 10%, 100 meters - 9%, 800 meters - 9% and 200 meters - 8%. The influence on the functional state of children during the experiment, the use in the training process of exercises that are not specific to swimmers and aimed at improving the level of development of functional abilities, which created the conditions for the most effective special physical training.


  • The article considers the increase of special physical training, in particular, speed endurance in children of middle school age who are engaged in swimming

  • Increasing speed endurance is currently one of the most pressing issues in classes with children in sports sections, which is extremely acute in modern swimming in general

  • At the beginning of the study, a test was performed, which showed no significant differences between the performance of boys in both groups, ie at the beginning of the experiment they had the same level of development of functional abilities, including speed endurance

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ОСОБЛИВОСТІ ПІДВИЩЕННЯ ШВИДКІСНОЇ ВИТРИВАЛОСТІ У ДІТЕЙ СЕРЕДНЬОГО ШКІЛЬНОГО ВІКУ, ЯКІ ЗАЙМАЮТЬСЯ ПЛАВАННЯМ У статті розглянуто підвищення спеціальної фізичної підготовки, зокрема, швидкісної витривалості у дітей середнього шкільного віку, які займаються плаванням. Вивчено вплив на функціональних стан дітей на протязі експерименту, застосування у тренувальному процесі вправ, не специфічних для плавців та спрямованих на підвищення рівню розвитку функціональних здібностей, які створювали передумови для найбільш ефективної спеціальної фізичної підготовки.

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