
Current socio-economic environment presents new challenges which make it necessary to teach sight translation not only to professional translators, but also to students of non-linguistic areas of training, which is repeatedly referred to in works on the didactics of translation. There is an objective need to develop specific methodological approaches to teaching this type of translation since it is not taught separately but makes up a component of the academic discipline of Foreign Language. Translation of economic texts, which deliver information in a clear and precise way, sets high standards in both language skills and expertise in economics along with use of both terminology and functional stylistics in the field. Modern didactics of translation requires to comply with principles based on scientific approach, conscientiousness, systematic nature, availability, and visibility. The only way to achieve this goal is by ensuring the appropriate individual approach to the students. Individualization of training materials for the curriculum assumes particular importance: in order to make students focused on dealing with translation specifics and challenges it is efficient to sustain thematic cohesion in lexical approach within both studied disciplinary aspects of ESP and Translation. When the arrangement of sight translation course for students who major in economics follows the principles of scientific approach, conscientiousness, systematic nature, availability, and visibility, and is implemented through individualization, then it provides the development and further improvement of students’ translation and interpreting skills, enforcing them with a sustainable contribution to their future professional performance.

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