
Juniperus deltoides is one of the most common junipers in the Crimea. The species is included in the Red Book of the Republic of Crimea. One of the leading reasons for the decline in the population is the low level of its natural renewal. Among the leading factors affecting the growth and development of individuals, a number of abiotic factors can be distinguished. On this basis, the purpose of the study was to assess the characteristics of the seasonal growth of J. deltoides shoots in connection with the weather and edaphic-orographic conditions of the Crimean Mountains. Research objectives: to identify the main abiotic factors affecting the growth of J. deltoides shoots; establish the strength of the influence of these factors. Using the methods generally accepted in forestry and geobotany, we carried out the laying of trial plots with the selection of model trees. The length of the shoots was measured according to the generally accepted method for the current year and for the two previous ones. To determine the types of habitat conditions, we used the method of P.S. Pogrebnyak. As a result of the research, it was found that the greatest influence on the growth of shoots of J. deltoides in the Crimean mountains has the amount of precipitation in the period from February to June. The maximum increase was observed in individuals of the western group and amounted to 5.80 0.34 cm in 2021. The growth height of individuals above sea level has a lesser effect on the strength of shoot growth. The influence of this factor is 52.9%. The exposure of the slope and the edaphic conditions of the habitats have almost the same effect (21.56% and 19.10%). It has been established that the most favorable areas for the growth of J. deltoides are areas of very dry sub-bodies with a northeastern exposure of the slope.

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