The production of trout products in ponds and aquaculture farms is based on modern and long-term plans for technology and intensification of production, through the introduction of the latest approaches, by borrowing the experience of leading foreign producers, expanding production areas and sectoral investments. The main indicator that characterizes the efficiency of fisheries and reflects the state of production and the level of its economic indicators. is fish productivity Growing trout in aquaculture in a closed water supply is associated with high planting densities per unit area, the use of high-protein granular feed, which must fully meet the needs of fish in all necessary nutrients to ensure a balanced diet. In modern farms for feeding trout use high-protein feed mixtures in the form of grits and pellets. The dynamics of the intensity of growth and development of rainbow trout mainly depends on the location of the farm, the quality of the water supply source, the feeding regime of fish and the quality of feed. Therefore, the aim of the work was based on a review of literature sources and analysis of economic activity of the studied farm to give a general description of trout feed, Aquafeed Fischfutter, used for fish feeding, and determine their effectiveness, taking into account geographical location and abiotic and biotic factors . In addition, the study fish performance when feeding these feeds. Conduct research on the growth rate of rainbow trout, changes in weight and length of larvae, fry, yearlings and commercial fish, in tray, pool and pond cultivation. Develop a scheme for growing all age groups of trout on these feeds. Establish indicators of quality, nutritional value, feed ratio of starting, growth and production feeds. To give an objective assessment of their impact on the growth of larvae, fry, yearlings and commercial rainbow trout in the conditions of trout farming PE “Zakhidna Rybna Kompania”, Perimyshlyany district, Lviv region. The conducted research gives the basis to claim that this compound feed guarantees high daily gain. Being a high-energy feed, its use does not lead to obesity of fish. With intensive feeding, a good ratio of price and productivity of farmed fish is realized. The risk of contamination of water bodies and fish is very low, due to the low phosphorus content and good digestibility of feed – 1.1 kg of feed/kg of fish growth. The feed corresponds to the best world indicators in accordance with buoyancy and stability in water.
Features of rainbow trout farming technology in PE “Zakhidna Rybna Kompania”, for feeding with Aguafeed Fischfutteer
The main indicator that characterizes the efficiency of fisheries and reflects the state of production and the level of its economic indicators. is fish productivity Growing trout in aquaculture in a closed water supply is associated with high planting densities per unit area, the use of high-protein granular feed, which must fully meet the needs of fish in all necessary nutrients to ensure a balanced diet
The dynamics of the intensity of growth and development of rainbow trout mainly depends on the location of the farm, the quality of the water supply source, the feeding regime of fish and the quality of feed
Features of rainbow trout farming technology in PE “Zakhidna Rybna Kompania”, for feeding with Aguafeed Fischfutteer. The dynamics of the intensity of growth and development of rainbow trout mainly depends on the location of the farm, the quality of the water supply source, the feeding regime of fish and the quality of feed. Провести дослідження щодо темпу росту райдужної форелі, зміні маси і довжини личинок, мальків, цьоголіток і товарної риби, при лотковому, басейновому та ставовому вирощуванні. Мета і завдання роботи полягали у дослідженні темпу росту райдужної форелі, зміні маси і довжини личинок, мальків, цьоголіток і товарної риби, при лотковому, басейновому та ставовому вирощуванні. Встановити показники якості, поживності, кормового коефіцієнту стартових, ростових та продукційних комбікормів фірми Aguafeed Fischfutteer, Дати об’єктивну оцінку їх впливу на ріст личинок, мальків, цьоголіток і товарної райдужної форелі в умовах форелевого господарства ПП “Західна рибна компанія”, Перимишлянського району, Львівської області
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