
The article deals with the theoretical ideas and experience of a higher school teacher in implementing the «Rukhanizhangyru» Program for professional training of future specialists in the sphere of culture and art. The author substantiates the relevance of the ideaswhich are presented in this Program. They are aimed at developing the training of specialists in the context of globalization, innovation in the socio-economic sphere of society, and the more significant is the preservation of folk music, careful attitude to the treasures of folk art. While teaching students pop vocals, instrumental performance, specialty «Traditional art», the teacher is guided by the ideas оf the Program «Rukhanizhangyru». A special feature of professional training of specialists in the sphere of culture and art is the possibility of including in the integral pedagogical process of the University forms and methods of studying works of song and instrumental performance, the rich folklore of the Kazakh people, contributing to the formation of a person – a citizen, a patriot of his homeland.

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