
The article provides a comparative analysis of the role of the professional personality of the future artist-teacher in the professional education of China and Russia in order to build an effective process of training Chinese specialists in Russian universities. In accordance with this , the Russian and Chinese interpretation of the concepts is given: "professional individuality" and "individual educational route". The subject of the study is the study of the role of the development of an educational route in the process of training artistic personnel. The hypothesis of the study is that in order to successfully achieve pedagogical goals in working with Chinese students, it is necessary to take into account the options for building individual educational routes in Chinese universities. It also substantiates the need for drawing up educational routes in art universities, taking into account the ethnocultural and ethnopsychological characteristics of Chinese-speaking students, which is the key to the development of individuality in the profession and subsequent adaptation to the realities of their native country. Similar studies have not been undertaken in Russian before in relation to students from China studying in a modern Russian university specializing in artistic specialties. These materials can be used in the preparation of curricula and educational programs in art and pedagogical universities of Russia, taken into account in further studies of the adaptation of foreign students.

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