
The article is devoted to the practical component of the professional training of a social worker in a Polish high school. Conceptual approaches are considered in relation to professional preparation of development workers and experience actualized by them with practical preparation at higher school of Poland. It is found out, that preparation of development workers in Poland is a difficult and dynamic process, that permanently changes in accordance with international standards, normative requirements, social changes and necessities on this type of services. As a result of scientific research, the tendency to introduce professional training in the practice of Polish social workers on the progressive approaches of practical experience in the social sphere of European countries and the United States has been traced. It is noted that the model of structured learning is based on the use of a curriculum on a modular basis. Different teaching methods, especially simulation and activity (training in the "team") are used. Equally important is the acquisition of skills, and the assimilation of the value basis of the student's work. Assessment is based on the criteria of competence. The student works under the direct supervision and supervision of the practice leader. Emphasis is placed on the theory of practical learning through experience. According to the results of the study, the organizational and pedagogical conditions of the organization and content of practical training of social workers in practice in Poland are set out: legislative regulation of general principles of practice and internship in Polish universities; the removal of a significant part of the study load (from 40% to 60%) into the obligatory volume of the organization of students' practice directly at the workplace; continuity of the practical orientation of the educational process to practical learning through experience in practice; compliance of modules of practical training programs in practice under the Framework Program for the qualification of a social worker: knowledge, skills, social competences; the variability of the proposals for places of practice for students and the proposed contact letters at the information stands of the departments of social work (pedagogy); provision of means for checking the implementation of modules by trainees through the electronic network, depending on the form of training and the student's capabilities (stationary, correspondence, distance, etc.); providing support for practical training of future social workers in practice (contact hours, independent work, literature to silabases (programs) of practice, etc.); consistency of the procedure for managing and controlling individual programs of student practice from the university and social institution; Settlement of the appointment of students responsible for passing the practice: the coordinator (for bachelors, mainly masters), a mentor, a representative from the practice institution and the manager of the management of the career bureau. The study concluded that the practical component of the program for the training of future social workers in Ukraine should be based on familiarizing students with the European forms, methods and techniques of work, and also involving them in direct and continuous practical activities, under the guidance of experienced mentors and consultants. The exposure of progressive ideas of experience of practical aspect of preparation of development workers in Poland will assist the scientific ground of strategy of development of professional preparation of specialists of social sphere in Ukraine on the stage of her transformation and integration in European and world educational space. The prospects of research of directions of co-operation of establishments of education are certain with employers and other social partners in the process of professional preparation and passing of types of practices by the future specialists of social work.

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