
One of the most frequent complications in the fi rst trimester of pregnancy is vomiting inpregnant women. In the pre-pregnancy stage, there is a necessity to receive a suffi cientamount of diff erent micronutrients. Vitamin D supports immunologic adaptation of thebody to pregnancy and prevents the development of early gestoses.The aim of the study – to evaluate the eff ectiveness of developed complex periconceptionalsupplementation of females with vomiting during pregnancy in anamnesis.Materials and methods. We observed 100 females with early gestoses in anamnesis.The control group included 30 women with the physiologic course of pregnancy andchildbirth in anamnesis. All females of two groups were tested for vitamin D levels inblood serum. The women of the main group were divided into two subgroups: subgroupA included 50 patients who were getting periconceptional supplementation and subgroup B50 females who were not getting periconceptional supplementation. In the pre-pregnancy
 stage, the women in subgroup A were receiving Aquadetrim 2000 UI per day orally andElevit Pronatal mineral complex 1 tablet in the morning as vitamin during 3 monthsbefore the pregnancy and in the fi rst trimester.Results. At the beginning of the study, the start level of 25 (ОН)D in blood serum was25.9 ng/mL in subgroup A, 25.91 ng/mL in subgroup B, and 28.0 ng/mL in the womenof the control group. 18.0% of females from the main group and the women from the
 control group had registered suffi cient vitamin D levels (p<0.05). During the two-month periconceptional supplementation period, we found a positive eff ect in subgroup
 A compared to the group B considering vitamin D amount: suffi cient vitamin D levelwas observed in 54% of women from subgroup A compared to 20% of females from thesubgroup B; insuffi ciency was present in 28% of patients from the subgroup A, and thedefi cit was seen in 18% from the same subgroup (p<0.05). The amount of 25 (ОН)Din the blood serum of the women was 28.8 ng/mL in subgroup A and 25.84 ng/mL insubgroup B. The signs of vomiting in pregnant females were observed only in 10 patientsfrom subgroup A that was 20.8%, and in the compared group this occurred in 25 women(62.5%). The females from the main group had prevailed mild symptoms of vomiting andthe ones from the compared group had more severe symptoms of vomiting.Conclusions. During the periconceptional supplementation with Aquadetrim 2000 UIper day orally and Elevit Pronatal mineral complex, the number of cases of vitamin Dinsuffi ciency and defi cit decrease (p<0.05), which has a positive infl uence on furtherpregnancy course. While using the proposed periconceptional supplementation, thepercent of occurred pregnancies was reliably higher namely 96% compared to 80%(p<0.05). The patients from subgroup A had a reliably lower frequency of early gestosismanifestation (in 3 times) (p<0.05).

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