
The aim of this research was to figure out the level and character of typological nervous system features influence on immunological reactivity manifestation in pigs, in particularly dynamics of monocytes count in plasma under the influence of biological stimulation (vaccination against Swine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome). Swine groups of Strong Balanced Agile, Strong Balanced Inert, Strong Unbalanced and Weak types of higher nervous activity were formed for te experiment. Within the research period WBC count was performed for blood of these animals (in Goryaev`s camera), particularly relative monocytes count was determined along with calculation of absolute figure of monocyte contents. It was investigated that the smallest relative monocytes amount is characteristic for pigs of Weak type of higher nervous system. It might be the evidence that the animals with Strong Balanced Agile type of higher nervous activity possess much more potent non-specific immunity, on the other hand animals of Weak type – the poorest. The strongest straight correlation of relative monocytes amount was investigated to force of cortical processes. Nevertheless, participation in regulation of monocytes content in blood of pigs with different types of higher nervous activity also have taken agility and balance of excitation and inhibition processes. Biological stimuli influence is strengthens mentioned connections, but most of all with force of cortical processes. Repeated biological stimuli sharply lower the correlation of the relative monocytes amount to other properties of excitation and inhibition processes in cerebral hemispheres cortex. Further, relationships are renewed and in 28th day after repeated administration of antigen to animals coefficients of correlation are close to initial ones, especially towards cortical processes` force. This certifies that animals of Strong Balanced Agile type of higher nervous activity firstly react non-specifically on biological stimuli, and those reactions is strong enough to protect them against damaging factor. For animals with Weak type such reaction is not typical. That is why those animals have to be treated with cautions during veterinary and husbandry performances. Further research in the direction of finding out the features of non-specific immunity in animals of different types of higher nervous activity and the effect on these indicators of autonomic nervous system excitability will be carried out.


  • Features of monocytes dynamics amount in blood of pigs with different types of higher nervous activity

  • The aim of this research was to figure out the level and character of typological nervous system features influence on immunological reactivity manifestation in pigs, in dynamics of monocytes count in plasma under the influence of biological stimulation

  • It was investigated that the smallest relative monocytes amount is characteristic for pigs of Weak type of higher nervous system

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Relationships are renewed and in 28th day after repeated administration of antigen to animals coefficients of correlation are close to initial ones, especially towards cortical processesforce This certifies that animals of Strong Balanced Agile type of higher nervous activity firstly react non- on biological stimuli, and those reactions is strong enough to protect them against damaging factor. Особливості динаміки кількості моноцитів у крові свиней різних типів вищої нервової діяльності. Метою дослідження було з’ясувати ступінь та характер впливу типологічних особливостей нервової системи на прояви імунологічної реактивності організму свиней, зокрема динаміку кількості моноцитів у крові за біологічного подразнення (вакцинація проти репродуктивно-респіраторного синдрому свиней). Встановлено, що найменша відносна кількість моноцитів у крові характерна для свиней слабкого типу вищої нервової діяльності. Мета дослідження – з’ясувати ступінь та характер впливу властивостей коркових процесів на прояви імунологічної реактивності організму свиней, зокрема динаміку кількості моноцитів у крові за біологічного

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