
Annotation. Hyperplastic processes of the endometrium can be triggered by a chronic inflammatory process. In addition, the importance of the presence of a long hyperproliferative process in the endometrium to accelerate genome modification with significant negative consequences of the development of oncogynecological pathology has been proved. The above risks require the development of clear diagnostic criteria for endometrial hyperplastic processes at the stage of non-invasive instrumental diagnosis. The aim of the study was to establish the features of the impact of chronic endometritis on the risk of neoplastic endometrial processes. A study of 161 women aged 18 to 53 years. Of these, 58 women had a verified diagnosis of endometrial hyperplastic process, and 71 women had endometrial hyperplasia due to chronic endometritis. The control group consisted of 32 women without signs of hyperplastic processes and chronic endometritis. Statistical data processing was performed on a personal computer using Microsoft Excel spreadsheets and the application package Statistica for Windows v.7.0, StatSoft Inc. (USA). All obtained quantitative data were processed by the method of variation statistics. A significant increase in uterine size was found in patients with endometrial hyperplastic processes, an increase in M-echo in patients with a combination of chronic endometritis and endometrial hyperplasia. The control group consisted of 32 somatically healthy women. Statistical data processing was performed on a personal computer using Microsoft Excel spreadsheets and the application package Statistica for Windows v.7.0, StatSoft Inc. (USA). All obtained quantitative data were processed by the method of variation statistics. A significant increase in uterine size was found in patients with endometrial hyperplastic processes, an increase in M-echo in patients with a combination of chronic endometritis and endometrial hyperplasia. The basal artery resistance index was found to be lower in the group of women with chronic endometritis. Similar indicators are established for the values of the pulsation index of the basal arteries of the uterus and the state of the spiral arteries. Thus, the method of ultrasound diagnosis of internal female genitals is a highly sensitive and specific method for the diagnosis of hyperproliferative processes of the endometrium, but has limited informativeness for the diagnosis of chronic endometritis. The combination of ultrasound diagnostics with dopplerometry of uterine vessels and endometrium (with the development of appropriate diagnostic criteria) allows to suspect chronic endometritis at the stage of pre-diagnostic hysteroscopy and subsequent pathomorphological and immunohistochemical examination.


  • В той же час, в усьому світі спостерігається невпинне зростання онкологічної захворюваності та смертності від цієї патології

  • A significant increase in uterine size was found in patients with endometrial hyperplastic processes, an increase in M-echo in patients with a combination of chronic endometritis and endometrial hyperplasia

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Матеріали та методи

Проведено дослідження 161 жінки, з яких 58 (1 група) мали верифікований діагноз гіперпластичного процесу ендометрія, а 71 жінці (2 група) був встановлений морфологічно верифікований гіперпластичний процес ендометрія, поєднаний з хронічним ендометритом. У всіх групах жінок ретельно зібрали анамнез, провели клінічні та ректовагінальні обстеження, здійснили інструментальну діагностику патології ендометрія (УЗД), стан судинної системи матки дослідили за допомогою доплерографії, а потім якісно та кількісно обробили отримані в результаті нашого дослідження показники. При розрахунку об'єму тіла матки ми отримали статистично вірогідну різницю для показників між досліджуваними групами та контролем (49,80±6,800 та 63,30±12,40 проти 29,60±7,100 відповідно, p0,05) та достовірно більшим, ніж показник групи контролю (6,2%, p

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