
The article analyzes a number of the main aspects of industrial hunting control as a legal measure for providing protection and rational use of game resources and their habitats. The study was carried out on the basis of systemic approach using complex and historic methods, formal and logistic analyses, methods of classification, analogue, law simulation and legal interpretation. The article gives the classification of hunting control as a separate direction of environmental control and presents industrial hunting control as a kind of non-state hunting management. Historic conditions and reasons for introduction of industrial hunting control into the system of environment protection in Russia are shown. The definition of the concept « industrial hunting control» is proposed and specific features of this process are pointed out. One of these features is the focus on the conservation, reproduction and rational use of game resources through detecting, preventing and restraint of violation of regulatory requirements of hunting and game resources conservation law. The next specific is giving authoritative powers characteristic of state hunting supervision bodies to hunting providers. Industrial hunting control also features mixed, external and internal nature that means the ability of its implementation with regard to both individuals and organizations irrespective of hunting providers and workers and subdivisions of long-term hunting providers. The principles of industrial hunting control development have been outlined and current need for their special legitimization in the law of hunting and game resources conservation is shown. The proposed system of principles can become the basis for solving scientific and practical problems of industrial hunting control, ensuring consistency and stability of legal regulation in this area.


  • The article analyzes a number of the main aspects of industrial hunting control as a legal measure for providing protection and rational use of game resources and their habitats

  • The article gives the classification of hunting control as a separate direction of environmental control and presents industrial hunting control as a kind of non-state hunting management

  • Of the concept « industrial hunting control» is proposed and specific features of this process are pointed out. One of these features is the focus on the conservation, reproduction and rational use of game resources through detecting, preventing and restraint of violation of regulatory requirements of hunting and game resources conservation law

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The article analyzes a number of the main aspects of industrial hunting control as a legal measure for providing protection and rational use of game resources and their habitats. Появление в охотничьем законодательстве производственного охотничьего контроля, как правовой меры обеспечения охраны и рационального использования охотничьих ресурсов и среды их обитания, обусловлено несколькими причинами, характерными для современного периода развития охоты и охотничьего хозяйства. Отсутствие указанных полномочий в законодательстве об административных правонарушениях, наряду с ослаблением государственного охотничьего надзора и отсутствием юридических механизмов, допускающих самостоятельную деятельность общественных охотничьих инспекторов, является одной из причин ухудшения охраны животного мира на территории Российской Федерации, возникновения критической ситуации в управлении популяциями отдельных видов охотничьих ресурсов.

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