
Introduction. Economic analysis plays an important role in deciding the effectiveness of production management. After all, the effectiveness of management largely depends on the correct and purposeful use of different types of economic analysis in management. Depending on the objects of management, which are also the objects of analysis, there are different types of analysis, one of which is environmental and economic analysis, which is considered as a study of the interaction of environmental and economic processes related to environmental protection and environmental costs. The purpose of the paper is to determine the features of the formation of ecological and economic analysis, its essence and components. The issue of interaction of social production with the environment today is defined as one of the most important global problems of mankind, which indicates the relevance of the study of theoretical and methodological aspects of environmental and economic analysis as a tool to increase the level of green production, quality (environmental friendliness) and improve the environment. Results. Ecological and economic analysis is carried out in two main areas. The first direction involves identifying the scale, elements and results of the enterprise, region, country as a whole, which has an impact on the environment, the second direction – determining the impact of such activities on the formation and evaluation of final performance. The modern economic literature distinguishes five components of ecological and economic analysis, namely: ecological expertise, ecological diagnostics, ecological situational analysis, ecological marketing analysis and ecological audit. Ecological and economic analysis is an important tool for assessing the environmental sustainability of enterprises and industries, which has a multifaceted, comprehensive and organizational nature. Conclusion. Comprehensive application of all components of ecological and economic analysis gives us the opportunity to obtain a more complete and comprehensive assessment of the ecological and economic level of production and economic activity in the process of making optimal environmental decisions. The component of ecological-economic analysis is offered – ecological controlling, which will allow to deepen the analysis, to make closer interrelation of estimation-analytical procedures from operational to strategic level, to provide the complex approach to studying of resource-ecological condition, and means to create all preconditions security.

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