
The organization of emergency medical care outside a medical organization in Saint Petersburg is analyzed. It has been established that a number of organizational issues related to the interaction between medical organizations and improving the efficiency of the ambulance service have not been fully resolved. Based on the analysis, the main directions of optimization of emergency medical services in this subject are proposed, taking into account a rational and effective approach to calculating the required number of emergency medical teams and their composition. It is shown that the strengthening of operational interaction between medical organizations and the creation of unified control centers for emergency medical teams will meet the needs of the population, create more comfortable conditions for emergency medical personnel. In general, the importance and necessity of this type of medical care is certainly high, and the ambulance service can be regarded as a factor of national security. The issued Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 388n dated June 20, 2013 “On approval of the Procedure for the provision of emergency, including emergency specialized, medical care” regulated the activities of emergency, including emergency specialized, medical care throughout the territory of the Russian Federation as a separate particularly significant type of medical care and contributed to its further development and improvement. At the same time, there was an approach to calculating the required number of emergency medical teams, taking into account the rational use of available resources. All this testifies to the unified nature of the ambulance, including emergency specialized medical care. Only with the use of this model can maximum accessibility and, therefore, the effectiveness of emergency medical care be provided to patients in the largest districts of the cities of our country. Timely provision of residents of a large city with effective emergency medical care will reduce the statistics of mortality and disability. Providing medical care to the victim in the first minutes after the injury or the development of a life-threatening disease plays the most important role not only in increasing the chance of saving life, but also in a favorable outcome of the disease. To return an able — bodied citizen to the social environment is a task of the state level, since a working person is a guarantee of the security of the state in all senses of this expression.

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