Оne of the main factors in implementing the concept of Smart Grid in the conditions of the mining industry is reducing cost of iron ore raw materials and increase of reliability of the power supply system. In turn, the greatest effect is expected with the introduction and interaction of technologies of intelligent networks, load management systems, and the introduction of renewable energy sources. The article presents features of determination of the potential of renewable energy sources in the conditions of iron ore enterprises. It is proved, based on the assessment and taking into account the features of domestic iron ore enterprises, the specifics of the implementation of renewable energy sources, in the conditions of the analyzed types of enterprises and the inability to use only existing methods for assessing their potential. The author's vision of the structure of the methodology of increasing energy efficiency of iron ore enterprises is presented, while reconfiguring their energy supply systems with the use of renewable energy sources. Specificity of determination of the potential of renewable energy sources in the conditions of iron ore enterprises is considered. An algorithm for determining the potential of renewable energy sources in the conditions of iron ore enterprises with open and underground mining of iron ore raw materials is proposed, based on the specifics of these enterprises. The proposed algorithm corrects some of the features of determining the potential of renewable energy sources in iron ore enterprises, which include the possibility of using unused ventilation streams (in iron ore mines), the possibility of locating power plants in landfills of quarries and some restrictions in the operation area when placing power plants on the territory of the enterprise. At the same time, it is logical that in determining the potential of renewable energy sources in the iron ore enterprises, the offered algorithm has the potential to use already known existing methods of calculating the potential of renewable energy sources. One of the points in the algorithm is to determine the priority directions of the implementation of renewable energy sources in the conditions of iron ore enterprises. Given the specifics of iron ore enterprises and the need to locate renewable energy sources as close as possible to consumers of electricity, the microclimate and environmental factors of the potential site for the installation of power plants should be taken into account as harmful factors can negatively affect the energy performance of renewable energy sources.Ref. 10, fig. 1.
The greatest effect is expected with the introduction and interaction of technologies of intelligent networks, load management systems, and the introduction of renewable energy sources
The proposed algorithm corrects some of the features of determining the potential of renewable energy sources in iron ore enterprises, which include the possibility of using unused ventilation streams, the possibility of locating power plants in landfills of quarries and some restrictions in the operation area when placing power plants on the territory of the enterprise
Given the specifics of iron ore enterprises and the need to locate renewable energy sources as close as possible to consumers of electricity, the microclimate and environmental factors of the potential site for the installation of power plants should be taken into account as harmful factors can negatively affect the energy performance of renewable energy sources
Особливості визначення потенціалу відновлюваних джерел енергії в умовах залізорудних підприємств Реферат—У статті наведено особливості визначення потенціалу відновлюваних джерел енергії в умовах залізорудних підприємств. Базуючись на оцінці та враховуючи особливості вітчизняних залізорудних підприємств, специфіку впровадження відновлюваних джерел енергії в умовах видів підприємств, що аналізуються, та неможливість використовувати при цьому лише існуючі методи оцінки їх потенціалу.
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