
The article considers approaches to the definition of competition as part of the competitiveness of the enterprise. The author pays great attention to the position of considering the concept of competition through the prism of three approaches (behavioral, structural and functional) to its interpretation. describes the evolution of views on competition and the competitiveness of the scientific community. It was concluded that competition should be viewed through the prism of the economic process of interaction, interconnection and struggle of producers for the buyer, increasing their market share in order to make a profit. The essence of product competitiveness, which is based on the following features: comparability, spaciousness, dynamism, objectivity, attributiveness, integrity, taking into account internal and external operating conditions, relevance, system. Product competitiveness is more fully revealed through the system of its indicators. They are a set of criteria for quantifying the level of competitiveness of goods. The paper presents a structural and logical model for assessing the competitiveness of enterprise products, which allows according to the sequence of works to correctly determine the competitiveness of products taking into account its parameters. The basis for building a system of competitiveness indicators is the analysis of the interaction of needs and goods, during which they are compared, as well as the degree of compliance with each other. Each product is valuable insofar as it can meet the needs of the consumer, so all indicators that characterize the product will use objective and subjective, quantitative and qualitative parameters and indicators that more or less reflect the level of satisfaction. The main methods of competitiveness of enterprise products, which are used in practice for its evaluation, are determined. The most important factors influencing the competitiveness of products are highlighted.

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