
Introduction. Patriotic and civic education is a systematic activity of the family, the state, public and educational organizations of the country. In connection with the accelerated formation of socio-economic models, changes in the internal and external situation in Russia, the problem of educating young people as patriots and citizens of the country is relevant. The purpose of the study is to analyze the state of civic-patriotic education of students of a technical university. Materials and methods. The material of the study was the data of a survey of more than two hundred students of Stupino branch of the Moscow Aviation Institute (Russian Federation). Results. An analysis of the student survey data showed that most of the respondents know their civic obligations (78%), slightly less (73%) know their rights. At the same time, the vast majority (91%) consider themselves patriots. 90.6% believe that enough patriotic events are held at the technical university. 87.1% would like to be born and live in Russia and 84.7% are proud of the history of our country, 88.6% of respondents do not consider it necessary to change their citizenship. 88.6% of respondents associate the concept of patriotism with love for their homeland. Conclusion. The study revealed the expediency and effectiveness of the humanitarian environment for the education of true patriots of the Fatherland. Innovative approaches using quest technologies, patriotic tourism, volunteer movement, scientific and practical conferences can help overcome gaps in the education of a citizen and patriot of their homeland.

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