
This work is devoted to the study of the vocabulary of written monuments presented in the monograph “Language of Besermyans” by T. I. Teplyashina. The use of such material plays an invaluable role in the development of unresolved issues of linguistics, as well as the origin of native speakers. Written sources are especially significant in the study of Besermyans, whose ethnic history is still a controversial issue. As a result of the analysis of three written monuments, the reading of lexical units was clarified, a different meaning was proposed for some of them. Most of the words in the grammar of M. A. Myshkin (Mogilin) are written down quite accurately, although in some cases their semantics (translations) are questionable. The lexical units of this grammar, defined by T. I. Teplyashina as Besermyan, were analyzed based on the use of data from different dialects. As a result, we came to the conclusion that they really can (could) belong to the vocabulary of the Besermyan language. The entries in the dictionaries of P. M. Sorokin and N. P. Steinfeld are not perfect, so in some cases it took a lot of effort to read them accurately. Despite the imperfection of the records in the documents under consideration, they are of great value for the study of the vocabulary and phonetics of the Besermyan language. Such Tatar loan words as bə̑jak ‘this side’, kalap ‘skein of yarn’, t'ereźi ‘cut window’, jaktə̑lə̑k ‘window frame’ are not recorded in other Udmurt dialects, and this speaks of a special type of interaction between the Besermyan dialect and the Turkic languages in the past. The studied lexical units will be placed in the dictionary of the Besermyan dialect we are compiling.

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